Sobre Flávio Nese

Temos a experiência de mais de 30 anos em gestão de projetos na construção civil e na execução de obras de infraestrutura e predial. Prestamos serviços que abrangem: arquitetura evolutiva, diagnóstico de patologias prediais, inspeção física, documentação, certificações, projetos legais de acessibilidade, segurança, ANVISA, AVCB, regularização de edificações e gestão de projetos. A longa trajetória de atuação em projetos de urbanização, instalações industriais e atendimento aos setores da educação, condominial, hospitalar e comercial, contribuíram como experiência e aprendizagem para que a Nese se tornasse uma especialista em arquitetura diagnóstica e preventiva. Com o foco no aperfeiçoamento contínuo e nas melhores práticas, utilizamos ferramentas de gestão de projeto na prestação dos serviços, pois acreditamos que a otimização dos resultados técnicos e financeiros vem de uma relação colaborativa e transparente com os clientes.

Google Authenticator 2FA Как восстановить доступ к своему аккаунту с помощью резервного ключа CEX IO Help Center

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Такое приложение представляет пользователю код из шести или восьми цифр для прохождения аутентификации на том или ином сайте, вместо стандартных учетных данных. Сервис реализуется в форме приложения для мобильного устройства на базе Андроид и некоторых других операционных систем, которое надо скачать и установить перед началом использования аутентификатора. Также вам может быть полезна пошаговая инструкция в […]

Bookkeeper360: Xero Accounting & Bookkeeping Solution

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Other companies offer attractive budget bookkeeping support, but little in the way of CFO guidance, while yet others cater to businesses that utilize a wide-variety of payment and payroll software integrations. We evaluated Bookkeeper360 based on bookkeeping services, personal bookkeeper, user reviews, tax and consulting services, and pricing. Bookkeeper360 allows the accrual basis of accounting […]

The 10 Best Bookkeepers in Orlando, FL with Free Estimates

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Kev’s Best is a reputable online platform that specializes in providing comprehensive and reliable reviews, recommendations, and guides on a wide range of products and services. Perfect for small businesses and non-profit organizations.” – Brian R. A professional accountant or bookkeeper can add great value to your business, giving you more time to focus on […]

Как создать резервную копию iPhone на Windows 10 и 11 Dropbox

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Выбирать способ резервирования данных пользователь должен, исходя из собственных потребностей и возможностей. Скажем, если пользователь желает создать резервную копию из любимых фильмов, у него нет другого выхода, кроме как начинать осваивать альтернативный файловый менеджер iTools. Если же кабель USB от Айфона давно порвался и отправился в утиль, обладателю смартфона вовсе не обязательно отправляться за новым […]

Understanding Direct vs Indirect Costs Constellation

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Smartphone hardware, for example, is a direct, variable cost because its production depends on the number of units ordered. A notable exception is direct labor costs, which usually remain constant throughout the year. Typically, an employee’s wages do not increase or decrease in direct relation to the number of products produced. Generally, an organization uses […]

Investing for Impact: Case Studies Across Asset Classes

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Impact investing offers a new alternative for channeling large-scale private capital for social benefit. With increasing numbers of investors rejecting the notion that they face a binary choice between investing for maximum risk-adjusted returns or donating for social purpose, the impact investment market is now at a significant turning point as it enters the mainstream. […]